Unity Tops Israeli Education Priorities in New Wartime Poll

As the new school year begins, a survey by the Israel Democracy Institute (IDI) reveals widening divisions over the Israeli education system’s role in promoting social cohesion amid the ongoing war. Conducted from August 21 to 27, 2024, the survey examined which themes should be prioritized in light of current conflicts.

Among respondents, 40% of the overall sample and 45% of Jewish participants believe that the education system should emphasize national unity and cohesion. However, there is a significant contrast among Arab Israelis: 27% favor “willingness to make concessions for peace,” while 22.5% prioritize “protecting human and civil rights during wartime.”

The survey also highlights disparities within the Jewish community. Ultra-Orthodox respondents (60%) overwhelmingly support themes of unity, with no respondents favoring universal values like human rights or peace. Meanwhile, secular respondents showed more diverse priorities, with 17% emphasizing peace and 13% advocating for civil rights.

(Israel Democracy Institute)

The findings illustrate a broader recognition of the limitations within Israel’s divided education system, which segregates students based on religious, cultural, and political lines. Despite the Ministry of Education’s focus on “social solidarity” for the 2024-2025 school year, the question remains whether a system with distinct educational streams can achieve true unity without imposing a single narrative that ignores existing tensions.

The data also shows strong public support for adjusting curricula to reflect current realities, with broad agreement on the need for changes that accommodate the ongoing war. However, differences in opinions on themes like hostage return discussions and moral implications indicate that achieving a common educational foundation will be challenging.

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