Support and resources for teachers from the RSC | New teacher sessions

The Royal Society of Chemistry are hosting a series of five online events in collaboration with SAPS, IOP and CLEAPSS. These sessions are designed to support new teachers as they begin or continue their journey in science education. They are primarily aimed at teachers who have been teaching less than five years but if teachers would like a reminder of the support that is available they would also be welcome to attend.

Session outcomes:

By the end of the session, you will:

Know how the RSC can support teachers
Know where to find support and resources from the RSC

This session is developed in line with our professional development standards.

Session information

This session gives teachers an overview of how we can support teachers with Chemistry teaching. It is for all science teachers irrespective of specialism. It will be run by Louise Tomlinson, an Education coordinator with over 20 years of various education experience. The sessions will cover resources available, training opportunities and what we offer teachers in their first 5 years of teaching and beyond. 

This is a fully funded event aimed at secondary science teachers in their first 5 years of teaching.

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More support for ECTs this autumn and beyond:



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