SC State Board of Education official speaks on school cell phone ban

(WPDE) — Parents have continued weighing in on the new South Carolina statewide school cell phone ban that passed in August.

The new policy is set to take place in January 2025, where kids will not have access to their phones throughout the school day, or any electronic devices.

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While some have safety concerns, medical wearing device questions, and general questions about the state board making this decision, State Board of Education’s Ken Richardson said there is a reason for the ban.

The whole purpose is to get the student focused again back in school and their school work, said Richardson.

He said after passing this policy, it is now up to each school system to take it in whichever direction they may choose.

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We did it for the way that the districts get to decide how they want to implement it,” said Richardson.

Amid the recent bomb and weapon threats on schools in Horry, Georgetown, and Florence counties, ABC15 inquired on how worried Richardson was about a possible backfire to kids not having access to their devices.

Of course I worry about it. I worry about it every day. You always worry if you have anything to do with education. You worry about school shootings and threats,” said Richardson.

He believes that this decision will make a better future of education for children.

They have 180 days they get to do their school work and get those grades up and move us up the ladder of where we stand in the state levels,” said Richardson.”

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