Salesforce Gives $23M to Education to Help the AI Generation Unlock Critical Skills

Salesforce (NYSE: CRM) has announced $23 million in new grants to U.S. school districts and global education nonprofits, aimed at equipping students with skills for future success, particularly in AI and STEM. This brings Salesforce’s 12-year commitment to education to $150 million. Additionally, Marc and Lynne Benioff will donate $3 million to DonorsChoose for public education in Hawai’i.

The funding includes $13 million for middle and high schools across the U.S., and $10 million to 14 nonprofits globally, with over $6 million focused on AI skilling and literacy. This initiative addresses the gap in AI education, as only 15% of workers feel adequately trained to use AI effectively.

Salesforce (NYSE: CRM) ha annunciato 23 milioni di dollari in nuovi finanziamenti per i distretti scolastici statunitensi e le organizzazioni globali non profit nel settore educativo, con l’obiettivo di fornire agli studenti le competenze necessarie per il successo futuro, in particolare nel campo dell’IA e delle STEM. Questo porta l’impegno di Salesforce verso l’educazione a 150 milioni di dollari in 12 anni. Inoltre, Marc e Lynne Benioff doneranno 3 milioni di dollari a DonorsChoose per l’istruzione pubblica nelle Hawai’i.

I finanziamenti includono 13 milioni di dollari per le scuole medie e superiori in tutto gli Stati Uniti, e 10 milioni di dollari a 14 organizzazioni no profit a livello globale, di cui oltre 6 milioni di dollari dedicati alla formazione e all’alfabetizzazione in IA. Questa iniziativa affronta il divario nell’educazione sull’IA, dato che solo il 15% dei lavoratori si sente adeguatamente formato per utilizzare l’IA in modo efficace.

Salesforce (NYSE: CRM) ha anunciado 23 millones de dólares en nuevas subvenciones para distritos escolares de EE. UU. y organizaciones educativas sin fines de lucro a nivel global, con el objetivo de equipar a los estudiantes con las habilidades necesarias para el éxito futuro, especialmente en IA y STEM. Esto eleva el compromiso de Salesforce con la educación a 150 millones de dólares en 12 años. Además, Marc y Lynne Benioff donarán 3 millones de dólares a DonorsChoose para la educación pública en Hawai’i.

La financiación incluye 13 millones de dólares para escuelas intermedias y secundarias en EE. UU., y 10 millones de dólares para 14 organizaciones sin fines de lucro en todo el mundo, con más de 6 millones de dólares centrados en la formación y alfabetización en IA. Esta iniciativa aborda la brecha en la educación sobre IA, ya que solo el 15% de los trabajadores se siente adecuadamente capacitado para utilizar la IA de manera efectiva.

세일즈포스(Salesforce, NYSE: CRM)는 미국 학군과 글로벌 교육 비영리단체에 2300만 달러의 신규 보조금을 발표했습니다. 이는 학생들에게 미래의 성공을 위한 기술, 특히 인공지능(AI) 및 STEM 분야의 기술을 제공하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 이번 발표로 세일즈포스의 12년간 교육에 대한 기여는 총 1억 5000만 달러에 달하게 됩니다. 또한, 마크와 린 베니오프 부부는 하와이의 공교육을 위한 DonorsChoose에 300만 달러를 기부할 예정입니다.

이번 자금은 미국의 중학교 및 고등학교를 위해 1300만 달러가 포함되며, 전 세계 14개 비영리단체에 1000만 달러를 지원합니다. 그 중 600만 달러 이상은 AI 기술 교육 및 관련 문해력에 중점을 두고 있습니다. 이 이니셔티브는 AI 교육의 격차를 해소하기 위해 추진되는 것으로, AI를 효과적으로 사용할 수 있다고 느끼는 근로자가 불과 15%에 불과합니다.

Salesforce (NYSE : CRM) a annoncé 23 millions de dollars en nouvelles subventions pour les districts scolaires américains et les ONG éducatives mondiales, visant à doter les élèves des compétences nécessaires pour réussir dans le futur, en particulier dans le domaine de l’IA et des STEM. Cela porte l’engagement de Salesforce envers l’éducation à 150 millions de dollars en 12 ans. De plus, Marc et Lynne Benioff feront don de 3 millions de dollars à DonorsChoose pour l’éducation publique à Hawaï.

Le financement comprend 13 millions de dollars pour les collèges et lycées aux États-Unis, et 10 millions de dollars à 14 ONG à l’échelle mondiale, dont plus de 6 millions de dollars sont axés sur la formation et l’alphabétisation en IA. Cette initiative vise à combler le fossé en éducation à l’IA, car seulement 15 % des travailleurs estiment être suffisamment formés pour utiliser l’IA de manière efficace.

Salesforce (NYSE: CRM) hat 23 Millionen Dollar an neuen Zuschüssen für US-Schulbezirke und globale Bildungs-NGOs angekündigt, die darauf abzielen, Schüler mit den notwendigen Fähigkeiten für zukünftigen Erfolg auszustatten, insbesondere in den Bereichen KI und MINT. Damit erhöht sich das 12-jährige Engagement von Salesforce für Bildung auf 150 Millionen Dollar. Darüber hinaus werden Marc und Lynne Benioff 3 Millionen Dollar an DonorsChoose für die öffentliche Bildung in Hawai’i spenden.

Die Finanzierung umfasst 13 Millionen Dollar für Mittelschulen und Oberschulen in den USA und 10 Millionen Dollar für 14 gemeinnützige Organisationen weltweit, wobei über 6 Millionen Dollar auf die Schulung und Bildung in AI ausgerichtet sind. Diese Initiative zielt darauf ab, die Lücke in der KI-Ausbildung zu schließen, da sich nur 15 % der Arbeitnehmer ausreichend darauf vorbereitet fühlen, KI effektiv zu nutzen.


Salesforce’s total commitment to education has reached $150 million in grants

$23 million in new grants to support AI and STEM education

Over $6 million allocated specifically for AI skilling and literacy

Partnerships with multiple school districts and nonprofits to widen access to AI training

Increased STEM access and real-world work experiences in classrooms

Salesforce’s $23M grant for education, focusing on AI and STEM skills, demonstrates a significant commitment to addressing the AI skills gap. This initiative aligns with growing concerns about workforce readiness in the AI era, where only 15% of workers feel adequately prepared. The company’s 12-year, $150M investment in education showcases long-term dedication to social impact.

The grants’ distribution across multiple U.S. cities and to global nonprofits indicates a broad-reaching strategy to enhance AI literacy and career readiness. Notably, $6M specifically targets AI education, signaling Salesforce’s recognition of AI’s critical role in future job markets. This proactive approach to preparing the next generation for an AI-driven economy could potentially yield positive PR and strengthen Salesforce’s position as a socially responsible tech leader.

Salesforce’s educational grants represent a strategic investment in future talent pipelines. By focusing on AI and STEM education in middle and high schools, the company is cultivating a tech-savvy workforce that could benefit not just Salesforce, but the entire tech industry. The emphasis on increasing diversity in tech education, as evidenced by the doubling of female and underrepresented students in Computer Science classes in San Francisco, is particularly noteworthy.

The integration of AI literacy into school curricula is a forward-thinking move that could accelerate AI adoption and innovation. Supporting nonprofits developing AI-powered educational tools, such as Teacher Agents and Advisor Agents, demonstrates Salesforce’s commitment to leveraging AI to enhance educational efficiency and personalization. This multifaceted approach to education technology could position Salesforce as a key player in shaping the future of tech education and workforce development.

While Salesforce’s $23M educational grant is commendable from a CSR perspective, its direct financial impact on the company is likely minimal in the short term. With Salesforce’s annual revenue exceeding $31B, this grant represents a small fraction of its financial resources. However, the long-term strategy could yield significant returns by fostering a skilled workforce and enhancing brand reputation.

Investors should note that this investment in education and AI literacy could strengthen Salesforce’s competitive position in the AI-driven CRM market. By helping to create a more AI-literate workforce, Salesforce is indirectly supporting the adoption and development of its own AI products. The company’s designation as the “#1 AI CRM” suggests a strong focus on AI integration and these educational initiatives could reinforce its market leadership in this critical area. While not immediately impacting financials, this strategy could contribute to sustained growth and market dominance in the evolving AI landscape.

09/16/2024 – 08:00 AM

New grants will support high schools and middle schools in cities across the United States

More than $6 million will go toward AI education and literacy

Marc and Lynne Benioff will donate an additional $3 million to schools in Hawai’i

Salesforce (NYSE: CRM), the world’s #1 AI CRM, ahead of the company’s annual Dreamforce conference, today announced $23 million in new grants to U.S. school districts and global education nonprofits to equip students with the skills needed for future success. Salesforce’s 12-year commitment to education has now reached $150 million in grants to schools across the country. And, Marc and Lynne Benioff will donate an additional $3 million to DonorsChoose to support public education in Hawai’i, building on two decades of philanthropic giving in the state.

AI is transforming the way we work, but only 15% of workers say that they have the education and training necessary to use AI effectively. The funding will provide students with career readiness opportunities and help them learn new skills — like AI and STEM — to prepare for the future, while providing educators with the latest technology in the classroom. The new grants will also support nonprofits that are helping widen access to AI training and increase pathways to meaningful careers.

“To succeed in today’s workforce, people must build the skills to use technology effectively – and that starts in school,” said Suzanne DiBianca, EVP and Chief Impact Officer, Salesforce. “Together with our partners, Salesforce is helping give schools the tools they need to keep up with the pace of innovation and prepare students for an AI future to make sure that no one is left behind.”

Salesforce’s ongoing commitment to public education

The company is directing $13 million of this year’s grants to middle schools and high schools across the country, including San Francisco Public Schools, Oakland Public Schools, New York City Public Schools, Chicago Public Schools, and Indianapolis Public Schools. The grants will support programs that increase STEM access, bring real-world work experiences into the classroom, and introduce AI literacy.

Salesforce has made the single largest investment from any private entity to San Francisco Unified School District (SFUSD) and Oakland Unified School District (OUSD) – and those communities are seeing the impact. At SFUSD, the number of female and underrepresented students of color taking Computer Science classes has doubled in the last decade. And, OUSD educators reported increased demand for Computer Science coursework in high school as a result of middle school programming, with 65% of computer science middle school enrollment being Black or LatinX students.

“Emerging technologies like AI will continue to impact our schools, workplaces, and society,” said San Francisco Mayor London Breed. “Not only is San Francisco the AI capital of the world, we are a city that has long been committed to education and career development. I’m grateful for Salesforce’s pursuit of equality through technology access and helping students and teachers be prepared for the AI future.”

“Salesforce’s support of our schools has made a profound impact on San Francisco public school students, preparing them for an AI future by focusing on science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education,” said Dr. Matt Wayne, Superintendent of SFUSD. “We are incredibly grateful for Salesforce’s unwavering commitment to public education and the students of San Francisco.”

Accelerating AI education, skills, and literacy

Salesforce will also grant $10 million to 14 nonprofits in the U.S., France, and Australia, with more than $6 million allocated to nonprofits focused specifically on AI skilling and literacy. These investments will help students explore career opportunities, foster AI education, and alleviate education inequities.

Organizations include AI4All, aiEDU, Aurora Education Foundation, Boston Private Industry Council, CareerVillage, Code The Dream, Competency-Based Education Network (C-BEN), Enterprise For Youth, Fast Forward, Forum des images, The Hidden Genius Project, Launch Pathways or Launch: Equitable & Accelerated Pathways for All, Re:Coded, and Rivet School.

Last year, Salesforce also launched an AI accelerator to multiply its impact by supporting nonprofits creating AI-powered tools and technology, nurturing ideas like Teacher Agents to assist teachers with administrative tasks, and Advisor Agents to help advisors personalize learning for their students.

“AI is rapidly transforming our world, and it’s crucial that we prepare all students to thrive in this new reality,” said Alex Kotran, Co-Founder and CEO at aiEDU. “With Salesforce’s support, we can advance AI literacy and readiness across the education system, ensuring every student has the opportunity to develop the enduring skills needed for success in an AI-driven future. Together, we’re not just teaching about AI tools; we’re empowering a generation to become informed creators, consumers, and citizens in a world where AI is everywhere.”

Marc and Lynne Benioff’s Commitment to Education in Hawai’i

Marc and Lynne Benioff will donate $3 million in matching funds to DonorsChoose to support teachers and students in Hawai’i. This funding will help provide mental health resources for teachers, classroom supply needs for students with disabilities, care and hunger supplies, and STEM education resources. This builds on a two-decade-long commitment by the Benioffs to giving philanthropically in Hawai’i, totalling more than $250 million.

Philanthropy at Salesforce is funded by a combination of corporate giving and donations from the Salesforce Foundation.

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Salesforce Public Relations

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Source: Salesforce


How much has Salesforce (CRM) committed to education grants in 2024?

Salesforce (CRM) has announced $23 million in new grants to U.S. school districts and global education nonprofits in 2024.

What is the focus of Salesforce’s (CRM) education grants in 2024?

The focus is on equipping students with skills for future success, particularly in AI and STEM education, to prepare them for an AI-driven workforce.

How much of Salesforce’s (CRM) 2024 education grants are dedicated to AI education?

Over $6 million of the total $23 million in grants is specifically allocated to AI skilling and literacy initiatives.

What is the total amount Salesforce (CRM) has committed to education over the past 12 years?

Salesforce’s 12-year commitment to education has now reached a total of $150 million in grants to schools across the country.

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