NELA Children’s Museum hosts Constitution Day educational experience | KTVE

MONROE, La. (KTVE/KARD) – In observance of Constitution Day, the Northeast Louisiana Children’s Museum welcomed children from the parish to encourage learning about the Constitution and how it impacts everyday life.

Two schools visited the museum, but the activities were also open to others. While there, students engaged in hands-on activities focused on laws, rights, and voting. KTVE/KARD spoke with the museum’s director about the lessons children were introduced to.

We have Judge Wendell Manning here and his bailiff to teach us a little about the importance of laws. We’ve got a great example using roads and cars and we learn a little bit about the process of voting. Then we actually have a real voting booth, machine where we’re voting on very important things like what’s their favorite exhibit at the Children’s Museum and more importantly, what is their favorite cookie.

Melissa Saye | Director, NELA Children’s Museum

Community leaders were also present at the interactive learning experience. A demonstration regarding the importance of laws was led by Judge Wendell Manning. Judge Manning spoke to KTVE/KARD about what it means for him to share the day’s importance with children in the community.

These are our future citizens to be able to reach out to them to try to explain to them the importance of the constitution, how it impacts them everyday, it’s a wonderful opportunity.

Judge Wendell Manning | 4th Judicial District Court, Morehouse Parish and Ouachita Parish

Replicas of founding documents from the Private Museum of Judge Wendell Manning were also available for viewing at the Museum.

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