Karl Lawton’s passion to succeed awarded

Karl Lawton’s ability to manage full-time professional rugby league with post football aspirations has seen him recognised for his efforts by the Manly Warringah Sea Eagles.

The 28-year-old was a well-deserved recipient of the Club’s Wellbeing and Education Award at the 2024 presentation at The Star on Monday night.

The Wellbeing and Education Award acknowledges a player who has:

– demonstrated a high level of dedication and drive to actively engage with Manly’s Wellbeing & Education program;

– strived to achieve the goals they set in their individual Wellbeing Plan throughout the season;

– and worked hard to enhance their educational aspirations for their career away from the football field.

Manly’s NRL/Athlete Wellbeing and Education Manager, Tim Gee, said Lawton displayed a keen willingness learn more about Wellbeing by enrolling and completing the ‘Foundations of Elite Athlete Wellbeing Course’

“Karl continually seeks out opportunities in different field to gain accreditations/licences or vocational qualifications,’’ Gee said.

“Karl is the club’s Mental Health Ambassador and has assisted the club regarding programs or promotions in this space. He has also helped in delivery of educational programs to the pathways teams.

Manly’s NRL/Athlete Wellbeing and Education Manager, Tim Gee, presents Karl Lawton with his award
©Gregg Porteous (NRL Photos)

“He is vocal within the club to other players about being financially literate and having a plan outside of football.

“Karl is always positive and seeking out information to help his Wellbeing and commits to his Wellbeing Plan and achieves the goals he has set himself off the field.

“This also has a positive effect on his teammates and their levels of Wellbeing engagement.

Well deserved…Karl Lawton with his award
©Gregg Porteous (NRL Photos)

“Karl has really committed to his vocational studies this year. Previously he has tried a few different things and may or may not have finished them, but he has really enjoyed the Cert IV Elite Athlete Wellbeing and has impressed with his work ethic.”




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