How teaching a lesson on 9/11 impacts students

SOUTHSIDE, Ark. (KAIT) – High school teachers in Region 8 spent time Wednesday teaching students about the tragic events that occurred 23 years ago.

Teachers at Southside Charter High School taught similar lessons about the terroristic attacks on Sept. 11, 2001, but the presentations were very different.

Teaching terrorism to a generation born after the attacks, Sophomore English Teacher Mary Thompson said it is a challenge getting students to realize the extent of what happened.

Thompson said that COVID-19 is the closest thing these students have experienced compared to Sept. 11.

“With the attacks of 9/11, that’s not something that we had ever experienced in our lifetime,” Thompson said. “I want the kids to understand the background, so we look up words about terrorism.”

Thompson’s students researched words including al-Qaeda, Islam, and Islamist Extremist. Another assignment included describing the importance behind Sept. 11.

Focusing on the heroic acts of first responders, 11th Grade Civics/Economics Teacher James Sturch wants students to remember the good that followed all the bad.

“I remember what President Bush said a long time ago, ‘That they may knock buildings down, they may take innocent life, but they will never break the American spirit,’” Sturch said.

Both teachers also told the story of Batesville Native Sara Low to give students a personal and local experience to relate to.

Junior Gavin Hoeflich said hearing stories of victims and survivors allows the younger generation to never forget what happened decades prior.

“It gave me a new perspective on everything that happened and how emotionally taxing it was for everybody involved,” Hoeflich said.

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