Highfield Littleport Academy win Wellbeing Award for Schools

Highfield Littleport Academy, which is for pupils aged two to 19 with significant and complex learning difficulties, was given the Wellbeing Award for Schools.

The award, developed by the National Children’s Bureau in partnership with Optimus Education, highlights the school’s commitment to creating a supportive and nurturing environment for all members of its community.

The school, which is part of The Active Learning Trust, has developed support networks and signposting for parents, providing opportunities to meet, share experiences, and access information on the school’s website.

The school has also introduced Emotional Literacy Support Assistants (ELSAs) to help students develop self-regulation and emotional skills.

This initiative, say the Trust, has led to noticeable improvements in behaviour and overall happiness among learners.

The assessors praised the politeness and positivity of the students during the verification visit, reflecting the benefits of the school’s nurture-based approaches to teaching and learning.

Staff wellbeing has also been prioritised, with quiet spaces for reflection during breaks and social areas to promote positive mental health.

The Employee Assistance Programme which is available to all Active Learning Trust employees has further enhanced staff support, ensuring they have the resources they need to thrive.

Yvonne Skillern, headteacher of Highfield Littleport Academy, said: “The team has done a great job in compiling the evidence for the award.

“Gaining the award has cemented the already great work we do to promote positive wellbeing within our school community.”

Lynsey Holzer, CEO of The Active Learning Trust, said: “We are so proud of Highfield Littleport Academy for achieving this award. In today’s world, where children face many challenges and pressures, prioritising mental health and wellbeing is more crucial than ever.

“This recognition really showcases the dedication of our staff in helping our students thrive as well as our focus on our employee’s wellbeing.”

(Image: Athene Communications)

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