Free educational events for adults and teens coming to Brooklyn | Brooklyn Bridge Parents

Exciting learning opportunities for teens and adults are coming up in our neighborhoods! Take free courses taught by immigrant scholars in Prospect Park through University Open Air, attend the Brooklyn Book Festival, learn about the Brooklyn Bridge’s history during a walking tour in Downtown Brooklyn, take part in Climate Week on Governors Island, or sign up for Fort Greene’s upcoming Black History and Culture Tour. For teens interested in history, learn about taking on a history research project and competing in New York City History Day 2025!

New York City History Day Kickoff & Info Session at Brooklyn Public Library | Brooklyn Heights

Thursday, September 19 | 4:30-6:30pm 

Brooklyn Public Library’s Center for Brooklyn History (CBH) is the host of NYC History Day! NYCHD 2025 is the regional contest for National History Day (NHD). New York City middle and high schoolers get to do original research on a historical topic of their choice and make their own exhibition, performance, documentary, website, or paper. Winners from NYCHD will have a chance to compete at the State and potentially National level. All participants will be able to gain important research skills, connect with amazing New York City cultural institutions, and have fun!

Drop by the Center for Brooklyn History on September 19th to:

Learn about this year’s theme, Rights and Responsibilities in History.
See examples of amazing award-winning projects and hear from the students who created them.
Talk to the NYCHD Coordinator and find out how they support teachers and students on their NYCHD journey.
Eat, drink, and meet fellow history lovers in a beautiful, landmarked building.

University Open Air | Prospect Park

Thursday, September 19 – Sunday, September 29 | Full schedule of courses here | Registration not required, but recommended

Join Brooklyn Public Library and Prospect Park Alliance for University Open Air, a free series of classes taught by immigrant scholars who were trained outside of the United States. University Open Air provides a platform for the talent and wisdom of New York’s local immigrants who might not otherwise have the opportunity to teach in the United States. They will be teaching classes under the trees in Prospect Park, and learners of all ages and levels of experience are welcome to attend free of charge. Classes and workshops will be offered on Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays, September 19 – September 29.

Full schedule of courses can be found here. Below are some of the highlights of the week:

University Open Air: Reading the Flight of Birds | Saturday, September 21 | 10:00-11:15am | Birds write messages in the sky, which we will learn to read in this workshop. To know those messages is to let ourselves be seduced by the beauty of reality, poetically expanding our daily lives through empathy and love for nature.
Awakening Practice: Morning Meditation in Nature | Sunday, September 22 | 10:30-11:30am | Contemplative practice has its roots in the living traditions of the Himalayas. Join Tashi Chödrön in the Park for a morning mindfulness session, which explores the connections between Himalayan cultures, art, and practice.
Dream Language School: Share your strangest dreams | Sunday, September 29 | 11am-2pm | Come share your strangest dream in a one-on-one twenty-five minute dream sharing session with Alisa Minyukova of The Dream Mapping Project in preparation for the publication of the “The Brooklyn Dream Handbook,” a zine dedicated to group exploration of the symbols, archetypes and parabolic’s of the Brooklyn diverse dreaming community.

Black History and Culture Tour of Fort Greene | Fort Greene

Saturday, September 21 | 11:00am-12:30pm | RSVP here

Join us for the Black History and Culture of Fort Greene tour led by Suzanne Spellen with a special stop at Brooklyn Paramount. Working together with local historian, Suzanne Spellen, and our Tour Advisory Committee, we develop and refine the route and educational content to help retell Fort Greene’s deep roots in Black history and culture for a personal, on-the-ground look at this important historical context. Offered in two installments, The Heart of Black Fort Greene: Fulton Street tour, and Fort Greene Black History Makers and Cultural Giants tour provide rich context and history ranging from the 1800s to today. RSVPs are encouraged but not required. All tours are free!

Historic New York Walking Tour: Downtown Brooklyn and Brooklyn Bridge History | Downtown Brooklyn

Sunday, September 22 | 10am-12pm

Join Fort Greene Urban Park Rangers in a history tour of Downtown Brooklyn. Rangers will lead from Fort Greene to the entrance of the Brooklyn Bridge, explaining early Brooklyn life and the fascinating story behind New York’s most iconic bridge. Meet the Rangers at the Visitors Center! Please wear comfortable shoes.

Climate Week 2024 | Governors Island

Saturday, September 21 – Sunday, September 29

Cli­mate Week NYC 2024 events on Gov­er­nors Island are orga­nized by the Trust for Gov­er­nors Island, the Island’s com­mu­ni­ty of part­ners and ten­ants, and The New York Cli­mate Exchange and its core part­ners. Events will take place across Gov­er­nors Island, includ­ing at a new com­mu­ni­ty con­ven­ing space inside Build­ing 309 (the for­mer Our Lady Star of the Sea) — a decon­se­crat­ed for­mer mil­i­tary chapel locat­ed in the Island’s His­toric Dis­trict that fea­tures Church, Shantell Martin’s pop­u­lar pub­lic art­work com­mis­sioned through Gov­er­nors Island Arts, on its façade. This his­toric build­ing has recent­ly under­gone upgrades to cre­ate an acces­si­ble indoor space for com­mu­ni­ty events on Gov­er­nors Island. All events will take place in Build­ing 309 unless oth­er­wise noted. See full schedule of events here!

Brooklyn Book Festival | Downtown Brooklyn

Sunday, September 22 – Monday, September 30

On September 22, the Brooklyn Book Festival will kick off nine days of literary events, including literary Bookend events throughout the city, Virtual Festival Day for readers who cannot attend in person, our flagship Festival Day & Literary Marketplace in Downtown Brooklyn, and our popular Children’s Day in Brooklyn Commons:

Updated: September 16, 2024. Main Image: Brooklyn Book Festival.

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