Ag in the Classroom – Texas Farm Bureau

In the section below, a video and guided activity are available to learn more about our food and Texas agriculture.

Listen. Learn. Cook.
Watch author, Tom Darbyshire, read his book Who Grew My Soup. After watching, think about what the book taught and complete the fun cooking activity.
*Note: This activity could be adapted for in-classroom use simply by creating a “pantry” where students select items to make a recipe chosen by the teacher. Students could be divided into discussion groups or the teacher could conduct the activity where students write their answers to discussion questions on individual whiteboards.
Video | Guided Activity

Virtual Cotton Lesson
Learn about the invention of the cotton gin, cotton uses, and so much more!
Video 1 | Video 2 | Video 3 | Video 4 | Video 5 | Video 6
Guided Activity

Virtual Forestry Lesson
Take a tour through a forest and a sawmill to learn how lumber is produced to build homes and schools! Use the guided activity to connect information in the video to learning.
Video | Guided Activity

Virtual Poultry Lesson
Watch the video to learn about broilers. The guided activity expands learning and tests what was learned.
Video | Guided Activity

Virtual Horse Lesson
Learn fun facts about horses and quiz the group with the guided activity.
Video | Guided Activity

Virtual Dairy Lesson
Name the Breed. Ice Cream. And More. Watch the video to learn all about dairy cows! The guided activity even encourages students to learn while they mix their own feed.
Video | Guided Activity

Virtual Swine Lesson
Take a tour through a pig farm. The guided activity even challenges students to identify their own pig.
Video | Guided Activity

Virtual Goat Lesson
Goats are kids, too! But will they really eat anything? Watch the video and complete the guided activity to learn key facts.
Video | Guided Activity

Farm Tour & Science Lesson 
Take a trip to a Guadalupe County farm to learn about planting and science.
Video | Guided Activity

Social Studies on the Ranch
Did you ever wonder how social studies relates to Texas ranches? Watch the short video series and complete the guided activity to find out.
Guided Activity

Wildlife and Their Environments
What helps them survive? The video and corresponding lesson plan will help students make the connection.
Video | Guided Activity

Inventors and Inventions
Explore with your students as they learn about inventors and inventions and even become an inventor for a day.
Video | Lesson

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